Bronx Dental Bonding

About cosmetic bonding

Cost effective smile enhancement

Your permanent adult teeth are meant to survive the daily strains of chewing and talking, but nonetheless, teeth frequently become damaged as a result of the everyday stress they endure. If you have chipped, broken, or poorly spaced teeth that cause you to hide your smile from others, you don’t need to live this way any longer.

Our experienced dental team offers cosmetic bonding in the Bronx to enhance the appearance of your smile and restore your teeth.

What is dental bonding?

Dental bonding, also referred to as cosmetic bonding, is a cosmetic procedure used to cover and repair imperfections on the teeth. A tooth-colored resin is applied over your damaged tooth in order to create a more attractive appearance. This type of dental bonding is so simple that it’s often used as an alternative to veneers or dental crowns.

Chipped Front Tooth

Do you need cosmetic bonding?

We offer many different aesthetic and restorative services to help you respond to any problem or condition in your mouth. It’s possible that you don’t need a complex procedure to improve the aesthetics of your smile, but just a simple dental bonding treatment.

Tooth bonding can be used as a simple tool to resolve the following minor cosmetic imperfections:

Spaces between teeth

Stains and brown marks

Miss-sized teeth

Chips and cracks in teeth

Benefits of cosmetic dental bonding

Dental bonding is one of the easiest and most affordable ways to improve the cosmetic appearance of the teeth. It offers many unique benefits that are sure to improve your oral health and confidence:

Less tooth enamel removal required than with porcelain veneers

A great cosmetic solution if you’re not ready to commit to veneers

Designed to perfectly match the surrounding teeth for natural and attractive results

Bonding material used is durable

How to care for your teeth after bonding

Tooth bonding is a simple procedure that won’t force you to dramatically change your routine. Standard oral hygiene habits will help you maintain strong and attractive cosmetic bonding for many years.

If you want to keep your bonding in the best condition possible, treat bonded teeth with a bit of extra care. Dental bonding can become discolored by dark beverages, and they need daily brushing and flossing to stay clean. Most importantly, dental bonds aren’t stronger than real teeth. In fact, they’re fairly fragile, so don’t put any extra strain or pressure on your bonded teeth.

Don’t allow chipped, broken, or unattractive teeth to hold you back any longer. Contact your Bronx cosmetic dentist today to learn more about dental bonding and start the process of improving your smile. Call (718) 654-3456 to experience the quality care only found at our family private practice in Bronx, NY.

$150 New Patient Special

Includes Exam, Cleaning & X-Rays. Call or Email Today:

(718) 654-3456

Call now or schedule online: (718) 654-3456